« A squeaky and offbeat documentary that, through the eyes of the Indians, quips the triumphant West. » L’Express

This film takes a wry look at the cultural confrontation of East and West, as reflected in attitudes towards the cow. In India, the cow is revered and cared for well beyond its prime. We see a hospice where cows spend their last days in comfort. When the BBC reports on the mass slaughter of cows due to mad cow disease, the Indians are appalled. One suggests that the British send their sick and old cows to India for caretaking. When MacDonalds opened up in New Delhi, featuring the Maharajah Burger, there was outrage at this affront. To many Indians it is a symbol of Western cultural imperialism – Western greed undermining traditional values in India. One elderly maharajah hopefully observes that the Indian culture has survived thousands of years and will not succumb to this latest onslaught.
« …an effective tool in illustrating the differences in cultural values between India and the West. »
Asian Educational Media Service
A film directed by Thomas Balmès (Director, Author, Director of Photography, Producer)
« Christ comes to the Papuans » is a full length documentary made from « Waiting for Jesus » and the « Gospel according to the Papuans ».
Year of production: 1997
Length: 52′
Production: Quark Productions, TBC Productions
Distribution: Canal + France, Canal + Belgium, TSR, ZDF/ARTE, TV2, SVT, Ikon, RTE Spain, TV3 Catalonia, SBS, RTP Portugal, RDT Danmark

« A film about the hamburger as a dubious symbol of social and economic progress. » – IDFA
« A squeaky and offbeat documentary that, through the eyes of the Indians, quips the triumphant West. » – L’Express
Grand prix des indépendants aux rencontres Media Nord-Sud 98 de Genève
Grand prix Brazil International Festival of Environmental Films 2000
IDFA — Sheffield Documentary Film Festival — Vue sur les docs